There are lots of reasons to choose electronic cards as opposed to traditional paper cards, especially in the corporate context. They are cheaper, better for the environment, and can be very easily be customised and designed. This is all great, but where do you start when you’re designing corporate e cards, such as corporate Christmas e cards.
Personalisation is important. Some e cards can be generic, too generic. It’s very important that receivers of electronic cards are able to recognise that they’re from you. With this in mind they should carry your logo, and perhaps have images that are applicable to your company.
Seasonality can be important as well. You don’t want your cards to look too cheesy, however ensuring g that they are seasonal is important. A Christmas card should look like a Christmas card, even if it is used as a piece of marketing by a business.
Think carefully about the message you want your e card to say. Are you looking to promote a particular produce or special offer? Cards can do this, however you want to be careful not to come across as spam. Sometimes a simple season’s greetings is best.
Designing e cards is relatively easy, especially because there are lots of online templates and tools online that will help you get started. There’s no excuse for sending e cards that have been badly designed, or don’t correlate with your brand or business.