Handbags and purses have become indispensible in the modern day, simply because we tend to have more stuff to carry. Whether it’s for carrying mobile phones or credit cards (yours or someone else’s) luxury purses are a very stylish solution to an extremely practical problem.
This solution can be undermined by a lack of organisation. There’s nothing worse than reaching point of sale and having to root around in your purse. Here are some tips for keeping an organised purse:
Just like your pockets, a purse can accumulate all sorts of rubbish. Although it’s a small space you’d be surprised at what can end up there. Ensure that from time to time you remove all this detritus, being sure to keep hold of any receipts that you need for expenses.
Choose the right make-up. Don’t necessarily take everything, and also look for smaller versions of your favourite products. Usually manufacturers produce travel size items, that will save you space in your purse.
Things can get damaged in your purse or handbag. You might think your iPod or sunglasses are safe in there, when they’re getting scratched all over the place. Make sure you have a protective cover on your phone or iPod, and keep your sunnies in a case.
Finally, consider a bag within a bag. Keeping things in your handbag in smaller purses is a great idea, and helps to protect items and ensure they’re well organised.