NASA has brought several innovations that have trickled down into our daily lives. For example, they are responsible for invisible braces, lenses that are scratch resistant and memory foam. Memory foam is actually called visco-elastic foam, and whilst it was first used to add a layer of comfort to an astronaut’s helmet, it’s now often used to add a layer of comfort to people’s sleep. How does it work, and what are its benefits?
The innovative thing about visco elastic foam is that it responds to a sleeper’s body, adapting its shape accordingly. It responds to body heat, and so, essentially, provides an experience of sleep that is personalised. A normal mattress will have springs that offer a degree of support, however this support is not carefully tuned like it is with a memory foam mattress.
But what are the advantages of this? Because memory foam is able to adapt to a sleeper’s body, offering a high degree of support, it can deliver certain therapeutic and health benefits. Arthritis is a painful condition of the joints, and this can be exacerbated by an uncomfortable sleeping position. Memory foam can mitigate the pain associated with arthritis by offering support for the affected area.
Although it was once a very specialist material developed for a specific technical reasons, memory foam is now extremely popular, especially online. If you are looking for memory foam, look for quality foam suppliers