London is a great place in which to do business. It is a vibrant world city which has a lot of different things in its favour as a company location. However, those start-ups seeking office space should remember that the London brand itself is a powerful thing. Other UK cities do not have nearly the same level of international recognition as London does, for example.
City branding difficulties
Some cities have problems with their branding. This is because there is a mismatch between what is said about them and what they are really like. Companies looking for office space to rent in London need not worry because the strengths of the city fit with the brand.
London’s diverse assets
The city is a major centre for finance and financial services. It is the hub of many business networks. It is a remarkable cultural centre, which makes it an ideal home for creative industries. However, it also has slightly less famous strengths in biotechnology and medical research. Whatever a firm’s sector, it will gain credibility from being associated with the winning London brand.
A city that keeps up with change
One of London’s features historically has been its ability to reinvent itself. Some other cities have found economic restructuring much harder to cope with. London’s ability to grasp new opportunities while respecting its heritage is often mentioned in its branding. Ambitious start-ups in newer industries will benefit from being based in a city which has, and deserves, this type of reputation.