
Looking Beyond Education When Hiring

Looking Beyond Education When Hiring

With more people attending university than ever, people’s resumes are getting better and better. Obviously, on one level this is a good thing, however it poses a couple of problems for employees, most notably a recruiter can’t just look at an applicant’s education to inform their hiring decision, they need to look beyond this.

It all depends on what kind of positions you’re recruiting for. Some positions very much correspond to certain degrees, especially jobs that involve science or teaching. However, in many corporate positions there is no obvious correlation between a degree and the position being applied for.

Does that degree in Geography really qualify someone to form a valued part of a multi-national company? Of course not, although it does show a degree of intellect and commitment; however there is little direct bearing over the actual quality of a candidate here.

What’s the solution? One of the most effective ways to look beyond education is to use testing. An aptitude test can target certain specific attributes of a candidate, which have more of a direct bearing over the job applied for. So a psychometric test might look at cognitive ability, things like non-verbal reasoning, or might be used to address someone’s personality, are they good potential leaders?

Potential is an important concept here. A new employee might have proven themselves in the past, but are they in a position to develop? Do they have the cognitive ability to evolve and develop? It’s worth testing.

Abigail Eames

I'm Abigail Eames, a passionate writer covering a wide range of topics including business, money, technology, entertainment, shopping, sports, lifestyle, and travel. With a keen interest in how these areas intersect with everyday life, Abigail delivers insightful and engaging content that keeps readers informed and entertained.

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